
Courses and lectures I organized and taught

2019 participated in teaching microscopy course for undergraduate program, COS. University of Heidelberg
2018-2019 Lectures and seminars on Omics and bioinformatics for undergraduate program, SLU.
2017-2018 Lectures on advanced microscopy for Master's program at UU.
2016 Confocal microscopy course. 5 HEC. Organism Biology PhD School, SLU.
2016 qPCR course. 5 HEC. Organism Biology PhD School, SLU.
2015-2016 Lectures on qPCR and confocal microscopy for genetic engineering bachelor degree program, SLU.
2014 Confocal microscopy course. 7 HEC. Organism Biology PhD School, SLU.
2014 qPCR in theory and practice. 7 HEC. Organism Biology PhD School, SLU.
2013 Light microscopy course. 4.5 HEC. Organism Biology PhD School, SLU.
2011 qPCR in theory and practice. 5 HEC. Organism Biology PhD School, SLU.

Supervision experience

2019-present Main supervisor of Doctoral student Sanjana Holla, Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU.
2017-present Co-supervisor of Doctoral student Pernilla H. Elander, Department of Molecular Sciences, SLU.
2016-present Co-supervisor of Doctoral student Prashant Ramachandran, Department of Organism Biology, UU.
2015-2016 Supervisor of the Master student, Therese Jonsson, UU.
2014 Supervisor of Sainsbury Undergraduate student in plant science, Makrina Diakakis.
2012-2017 Co-supervisor of Doctoral student Salim Hossain Reza, Department of Plant Biology, SLU.

2005-2007 Supervisor of a Master student Sofia Garushyants. Department of Virology Moscow State University in collaboration with the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia.

Completed pedagogical courses

2014 Course in Doctoral Supervision, SLU (3 weeks)
2014 Course in Grading and Assessment, SLU (3 days)
2014 Project course, SLU (4 weeks)
2014 Teaching in higher education Part II, SLU (2 weeks)
2012 Teaching in higher education. Part I, SLU (3 weeks)